Special Loan of Emergency Small Amount Fund/Comprehensive support Fund (Applicable to foreign residents in Chiba prefecture)緊急小口資金・総合支援資金の特例貸付(千葉県在住の外国人の方向け)

Foreign residents in Chiba prefecture who face decrease in income due to spread of coronavirus and want to apply for the Special Loan of Emergency Small Amount Fund/Comprehensive support Fund, click the link below for English documentation.

Download application documents and fill them out, collect other required documents, then submit them to municipal Social Welfare Council together with the applicable “Checklist”.

Address of municipal Social Welfare Council to which the documents shall be submitted is available from the link below.

※English documentations are provided only for the purpose of explanation. Please DO NOT fill out English forms, make sure to use and submit Japanese forms.

社会福祉法人 千葉県社会福祉協議会
〒260-8508 千葉市中央区千葉港4番5号(千葉県社会福祉センター内)
TEL 043-245-1101(代) FAX 043-244-5201

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